Tarantula and Spider general care for multiple species. Additional research may apply.

Tarantulas and True Spiders
Arguably some of the most low maintenance animals available as pets, invertebrates come in all shapes and sizes and are very interesting animals to keep. Tarantulas and True Spiders for sale are one of the most popular invertebrates around due to the mass variety of species and ease of care. These arachnids are best separated into two main groups. New world and old world. New world arachnids include all species native to North and South America. These species include Mexican red-knees, Pink-toes, Arizona blondes, and many others. New world tarantulas and spiders tend to make better pets as they tolerate handling much better and do not have as potent of a venom yield. Old worlds are pretty much the rest of the world. Asia and Africa host most of the commonly seen species of this category. Indian ornamentals and baboon tarantulas are a few notable species. Old world tarantulas and spiders tend to suit experienced keepers best, as these arachnids often exhibit more aggressive behavior and have a much higher venom yield. Most Tarantulas and Spiders in general do not carry potent enough venom to kill a healthy adult human, but it is still recommended to keep handling at an absolute minimum with many species. Another important thing to note is to pay attention to scientific names when it comes to invertebrates as a whole. Common names can become redundant and confusing with the vast array of different species, and the best way to distinguish species from one another is through their scientific name.

Caring for your Tarantula and Spider
Tarantulas and Spiders are predators primarily eating insects, although larger species such as birdeaters can eat larger prey such as small mice or lizards. Once a week is more than enough for these animals and can be fed one insect or other meal type per feeding. Any uneaten prey should be removed after 20 or so minutes to keep the prey from harming the tarantula. Despite the hundreds of species, tarantula and spider setup can be summarized into one of two ways. terrestrial and arboreal.
Arboreals can be housed in small cases or terrariums that emphasize height over length. Exo-terra nano terrariums are popular enclosures for this type of tarantula as they are front opening and do not interfere with the tarantula’s webbing when opened. Small acrylic or plastic cases work just as well too as long as they can be secured properly and have enough ventilation. Decor can be simple as these animals do not require very much at all. A small piece of cork and moist substrate such as eco earth or reptisoil are great choices to furnish their enclosure. The second main setup style is terrestrial. Lateral space is preferred with these "spiders" and the setup can be mostly the same, cork, moist substrate, and some foliage. Only thing that changes is the lateral orientation. Enclosure size will range depending on the species but most do not need very much space at all. Larger animals such as goliath bird eaters do okay in a 10-20 gallon enclosure full grown. Temperature is also easy to manage. Tarantulas as a whole do great at room temperature, anywhere in the mid to high 70s. Humidity is also easy to control, and most species only need a light mist once a week, mostly done on feeding day.

Handling your pet Tarantula or Spider
Handling is not most arachnids forte, although some species fare better than others. These are quite delicate, with a waste level potentially being fatal. They are also extremely sensitive, with almost every part of their body being a sensor for everything around them. So it’s not impossible, but it can very easily go wrong if not done with care. It’s best to gently tap the tarantula with tongs or a twig to slowly make it crawl the direction desired. Keep hand movements slow and be careful not to touch it much when handling. Tarantulas and Spiders are extremely quick when startled so be mindful to handle them in a controlled area. Keep handling sessions short and sweet. As said before, New world tarantulas do better with handling, so aim for one of those if that's what you're looking for. Most species under the genus Brachypelma and Aphonopelma are good picks for this.