General care for multiple species of Salamander and Newt. Additional research may apply

Salamanders & Newts
Salamanders are fascinating amphibians known for their slender bodies, short noses, and long tails. They lack claws, and their front legs typically have four toes while their rear legs have five. Salamanders come in a range of sizes, from a little over an inch to nearly 5 feet in the case of the Giant Asian Salamander. However, most salamanders measure between 4 and 8 inches in length.
Due to their amphibious nature, salamanders rely on moisture to keep their skin healthy. They are naturally drawn to water and thrive in environments where water is present. An interesting characteristic of salamanders, shared with some other vertebrates, is their remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs and other body parts.
To ensure the well-being of your salamander, it is important to provide proper care. Familiarizing yourself with our comprehensive salamander care guide will help you in effectively meeting their needs and ensuring they have a healthy and happy life.

Creating a suitable habitat for your salamander is essential, as it should resemble its natural environment in the wild. Salamanders thrive in moist and damp conditions, and they greatly appreciate having plenty of hiding spots. To house your salamander, consider using a glass terrarium or plastic container with a secure lid. Ensure the enclosures have proper ventilation. It's important to place the container in an area away from direct sunlight. Cover the floor of the enclosure with reptisoil, sphagnum moss, and leaf litter mix. These materials will help maintain the desired moisture levels and create a suitable habitat for your salamander. Remember to regularly monitor and adjust the moisture levels as needed to ensure a consistently damp environment. Salamanders thrive in temperatures ranging from 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. It is crucial to maintain a cool environment for them, particularly during the summer months. Since salamanders require moisture, it is important to provide a dish of water in their enclosure. Remember to clean and replace the water regularly to ensure its cleanliness. This will help ensure that your salamander remains adequately hydrated.
Since salamanders are primarily active during the night, it is recommended to feed them in the evening or nighttime. Salamanders are insectivores, and their diet should consist of various live foods such as earthworms, small crickets, and flightless fruit flies. These food items provide essential nutrients for their well-being. Remember to offer appropriately sized prey items that are suitable for your salamander's size and age. Providing a diverse diet will help ensure that your salamander receives the necessary nutrition for optimal health.

Amphibians as Pets
Minimize handling your salamander as much as possible. Their delicate and moist skin is sensitive and can be easily damaged. To ensure the well-being of your salamander, it is best to appreciate and observe them from a distance. By allowing them to thrive in their enclosure without excessive handling, you promote their overall health and reduce the risk of stress or injury. Remember, observing their fascinating behaviors and unique characteristics can be just as enjoyable as direct interaction.
However, it is not rare to come across wild caught specimens for sale. Either way, Salamanders and Newts are widely available in the pet trade and often have a low to mid-ranged price point. This is an excellent choice for beginners who want a small and easy to keep pet amphibian.