Pac-Man frog, scientifically known as Ceratophrys cranwelli

Pac-Man Frogs
The Pac-Man frogs are a species of frog native to South America. They are commonly found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Captive bred frogs are readily available in many different color and pattern mutations. These frogs are named after the popular video game character, Pac-Man, due to their round shape and wide mouth.

Pac-Man Frog Care
Proper care of a Pac-Man frog involves providing them with an appropriate environment. Pac-Man frogs are primarily terrestrial, but also require a shallow water area for soaking. When it comes to housing, a 5-10 gallon is generally okay for a baby, a 20-gallon aquarium is sufficient for an adult Pac-Man frog. The bottom of the tank should be lined with a substrate that is suitable for burrowing such as repti-soil by Zoomed (our favorite for pacman). In addition to this, Pac-Man frogs require a hiding spot, such as a hollow log or cork hide.
Pac-Man frogs thrive in temperatures between 75-85°F with a relative humidity of around 60-80%. Monitor temperature with a temperature gauge and monitor humidity with a hydrometer. It's important to avoid direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations in their habitat. An under-tank heater or a weak heat lamp can be used to maintain a consistent temperature. Always use a thermostat when adding heat to your frog. Pac-Man frogs should also have access to fresh, chlorine-free water at all times for soaking and drinking.

A balanced and nutritious diet is important to keep Pac-Man frogs healthy. A varied diet of insects such as crickets, roaches, and red wiggler worms, as well as appropriately-sized mice, should be offered on a regular basis. It's important to avoid overfeeding, and uneaten food should be removed from the tank to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Pac-Man frogs can be handled, but it's important to thoroughly wash your hands before and after interacting with them to avoid transferring any harmful bacteria. It's also important to avoid handling them too frequently as they can become stressed. As a final note, Pac-Man frogs are unique and fascinating pets and can make great additions to any frog enthusiast's collection no matter your experience level.