Green Tree Python a.k.a Morelia viridis

Intro to GTP's
Green Tree Pythons come in a variety of colors found in both wild and captive-bred "designer" forms. Young green tree pythons are typically yellow or red, and as they mature their color changes to green. Some high-end individuals can keep their yellow juvenile colors or even turn straight to blue. Babies are usually 8-10 inches long. Adults average between 4-6 feet. We recommend these for intermediate-to-advanced keepers as they can be finicky and live a long life of 20+ years.

Green Tree Python Care
Housing GTP's is fairly easy because of the variety of arboreal cages that are in the market. Many "Mini or Small" Exo-Terra or ZooMed Enclosures are great for babies. Into adulthood we recommend 3 foot high enclosures minimum. They need a basking temperature of ~88 degrees with an ambient temperature of 78-80. A very important part of their care is their need for a variable humidity of 40-70%. To achieve this you can use an appropriately sized Basking Spot Bulb and you may also use a Tropical UVB.
You should decorate their enclosure with foliage and branches to help with enrichment. For these pythons we recommend Coco Mulch mixed with Moss, Eco Earth, or ReptiSoil as a substrate. We also recommend feeding babies a pinky mouse every five to seven days. Older juveniles and young adults can be fed a hopper or medium mouse every seven to 10 days. Adults can be given a meal of one or two adult mice, or a small rat every 10 to 14 days.

Green Tree Pythons For Sale in the Pet Trade
Dialing in all of their parameters perfectly is key for breeding success. More people are working with Captive-bred green tree pythons as they are growing in popularity. However, wild caught imported animals are much more common. Imported animals may have a negative stigma, but these are brought in legally with proper paperwork and in quantities that are allowed through governing laws. This species can be a little difficult or bite-y when handling. Once your new pet Green Tree Python is established, you can have a beautiful long term display animal.