Green Keel-Bellied Lizards a.k.a Gastropholis prasina
Intro to the Green Keel-Bellied LizardGreen Keel-Bellied Lizards are small-medium sized, diurnal, arboreal lizards that are native to Kenya and Tanzania. They can get a bit over a foot long and they can live around 10+ years in captivity. Green Keel-Bellied Lizards are famous for their activity, prehensile tail, and their capability for being both a great display pet and rewarding pet.
Green Keel-Bellied Lizard CareGreen Keel-Bellied Lizards feed readily on a variety of insects dusted with multivitamins and calcium. Since they utilize so much arboreal space, decorating their enclosures with foliage, branches, and logs will help them feel safe and offer enrichment. The best terrarium size for a Green Keel-Bellied Lizard is an 36 x 18 x 36 enclosure. They do well with a hot spot of 90 degrees F, an ambient temperature of 75 degrees F, and a humidity level of ~70%. The humidity can easily be achieved with proper substrate like Eco Earth, ReptiSoil, or Coco. I recommend Tropical UVB for this species.Green Keel-Bellied Lizards For Sale in the Pet TradeDue to their ease of care and breeding, they are readily bred in Captivity. We offer everything from babies to sexed adult for sale. As babies they are very shy and with patience you may tame these out. Some people even work with these before investing in Tree Monitors. Keepers of all experience levels can successfully house and raise this species.