Bearded Dragon a.k.a Pogona vitticeps & Rankins Dragon a.k.a Pogona henrylawsoni

Bearded Dragons and Rankins Dragons
Bearded Dragons and Rankins Dragons are considered one of the best pet lizards due to their extremely docile temperament. "Beardies" are hardy and can be handled regularly. They make rewarding pet reptiles when kept correctly.

Caring for Bearded Dragons
Bearded Dragons grow up to 2 feet in length and live 15+ years in captivity. Whereas Rankins max out at about 1 foot. These lizards are omnivorous, which means they eat both animal and plant matter. Insects and leafy greens are their staple diet. You may also give some non citrus fruits and even pinky mice as treats into adulthood. In the modern world of reptile keeping we also have access to manufactured diets, like pellets, white offer a balanced nutritional content. They will seldom use a water dish as they get most of their water content from veggies. We recommend lightly misting your dragon or giving them routine soaks in shallow lukewarm water.
While hatchling dragons start in a 20 gallon tank, they will need a 75 gallon tank minimum into adulthood. These heat loving lizards need a basking spot of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and an ambient temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Their humidity should stay around 40%. A full-spectrum UVB light is important for bearded dragons to help with proper bone growth and calcium/vitamin absorption.

When you mix a tame lizard with ease of care and a variety of color and pattern morphs, you get an animal that is heavily bred in captivity. And, thats a GOOD thing! Many first time pet lizard owners go into reptile shops and reptile shows looking for bearded dragons, so they are always in high demand.
Breeding these can be fairly simple. These Australians can often brumate (similar to hibernation) before breeding. Post brumation, all you need is a male and female that are similar in size or weight (at least 18 months and roughly 350 grams). Upon introducing your pair, the male will darken its beard and bob his head. A receptive female will allow the male to bite her neck and the male will then everts a hemipene into her cloaca. Place a lay box with moist solid in the females enclosure as they usually lays her eggs four to six weeks after a successful mating. Eggs can be incubated at 82-85 degrees Farhenheight and will hatch in 50-80 days.
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